
Helping Thousands
of Salons Become

Whether you’re an independent, team salon owner,  or a multi-location salon brand, SalonScale has created  the backbar management tool to help take your  business and profits to the next level.


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Profit back into Salons


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Alicia Soulier worked as a Stylist. And when she noticed her books were full she took the next step of many stylists make and ventured into Independency as Chair Renter. In 2011 Alicia opened a 10-chair salon taking on the title of Salon Owner.
Business was going really well at the Salon and they were growing! The books were full and money was coming in…
But Alicia noticed the salon was not profiting as much as we should have been.
In 2017, Alicia decided to pull back from working behind the chair to dig into what was going on in her business.
Then she discovered one of the biggest flaws in our industry…

SalonScale Story

SalonScale was founded in 2018 by Alicia Soulier in response to a common problem faced by salon owners: how to control backbar costs and increase profitability.

The company offers smart technology solutions and digital tools to help salon owners know the exact cost of products used from their backbar, manage their inventory, and ultimately boost their cash-flow. Since its launch, SalonScale has gained a platform of over 3,000 users in North America and is growing rapidly.

SalonScale is leading the charge to revolutionize the salon industry by providing tools that promote profitability, vitality, and strong relationships within the community. SalonScale is powered by the industry and exists to help salons succeed and create a beautiful world. Our team is excited for you to join the #SalonScaleMovement.


At SalonScale, our mission is to develop and innovate technology that promotes sustainable economic growth. We believe that by providing salon owners and managers with the tools they need to streamline their operations, increase profitability, and grow their business, we can make a positive impact on the salon industry and support sustainable economic growth.


Our vision is to build an ecosystem of sustainable salons around the world. We see a future where salons are equipped with the tools they need to succeed and thrive, and where the salon industry is recognized as a key driver of economic growth. With SalonScale at the center of this ecosystem, we are dedicated to helping salons reach their full potential and achieve long-term success.

Our Company Values

We create a transparent and supportive work environment through open communication and collaboration.
We provide a flexible work environment that allows our employees to have a successful work-life balance.
We aim to provide tools to allow stylists to know and charge their worth within the service industry.
We provide tools and resources that set up our employees for success within their career.
We provide goal-oriented training and education that will allow our employees to grow their career.

The success of SalonScale is a testament to the hard work and dedication of its people

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