Feature Q+A: Diana Foster, Suite Owner, Whistler, BC

Explore Diana Foster's journey with SalonScale. Learn how she optimizes salon operations & boosts client satisfaction!

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We caught up with Diana Foster (@sucosonic, @sucosbeauty) soloprenuer in Whistler, B.C. When signing up with SalonScale she was operating out of Suco’s and has just recently announced she is their proud new owner! Show her your support and give her and her salon a follow!

SalonScale: How long have you been in the salon industry?

Diana: 17 Years

SalonScale: What salon to you operate out of?

Diana: Suco’s in Whistler, B.C

SalonScale: What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?

Diana: Love, Loud and Outspoken

SalonScale: What are your must have products and/or tool?

Diana: Definitely a flat iron with my Chi silk infusion, spray way and shine

SalonScale: What is your favourite phrase/quote?

Diana: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better” or “Never break a promise to your self” and “All my dreams become my reality”.

SalonScale: What is your theme song and why?

Diana: Hahah this one is tough… I don’t really have a theme song…PASS!

SalonScale: What is your favourite color trend right now?

Diana: Warm blondes/balayage, chocolates and fashion colors. I’m really get back into creative colors as well. Blocking and specific placement but I love to create a big impact with natural colors too.

SalonScale: What’s the best part and the hardest part about being a solopreneur?

Diana: The best part? Is creating my own space and being able to share and educate others. The hardest part? Having to deal with all the tech stuff! YIKES!

SalonScale: Who is your role model, either in the industry or not?

Diana: I have a few. In salon – many that I started off with in my career. My peers. I’ve learned so much along the way and am so happy I can go back to these people and ask for help. In life – my hubby and best friend. He always has my back and gets everything right. He knows exactly what’s needed for each situation. I love that.

SalonScale:  What advice do you have for someone just starting in the industry?

Diana: Be yourself, but be open to change. Soak up every ounce that is shown to you. Be humble and share your knowledge. We are not in competition but united!

SalonScale: Why did you choose to try SalonScale?

Diana: I wanted to get a hold on what I was actually using in color day to day and be able to charge accordingly.

SalonScale: What is your favourite SalonScale feature?

Diana: SO MANY!! I extra love the fact that it shows you what you use tube wise to make ordering easier. It stores all the usage info and separates it into bowls and that is local to my hometown of Saskatchewan. It’s important to support independent businesses.