So you’re starting a new software and not sure how to talk about it with your clients. 

Well first, I want to congratulate you on taking this step for your business. It takes a lot of courage to recognize and take action to make a change. It’s just as much to share the news that change is coming to your clients.

We get it and we’ve been there with the anxiety that comes along with explaining the change.

Your clients are people that you deeply care about. You build strong bonds with them as let’s be real, you go through a lot of special moments with them.

Here are our tips to making communicating with your clients easy:

Remember Why You Need to Make a Change

Before you do anything remember why you’re making this change in your business. In all seriousness, write it down somewhere where you can have the reminder.

I like to make notes for myself when it comes to reminders for my day and my goals. I always write them down and save them in a safe place. Then when I need that reminder of why I’m doing something, I feel inspired.

Whether you’re making a change because you want to get more control of your back bar, adjust for inflation, or simply you need to for the livelihood of your business and yourself.

Each of these reasons is valid for change. To be honest, it means that the change is necessary.

Share Your Why for Change

You know what they say when you make assumptions… well I’ll let you search that one up!

Share your 'why' for making the change. Transparency is key. It’s the foundation to building trust with your clients.

Here is an example of what to share with your clients when starting SalonScale:

We’re excited to announce that we’re making a small change here at YOUR SALON.

As of YOUR DATE we will be incorporating SalonScale into our services. What is SalonScale? It’s a backbar tool that helps us to weigh, track and accurately charge for hair color. Hair color is one of the leading expenses in a salon. And everyone's hair and end goal is unique!

es that you’re only ever charged for your time in our chair and color used at your appointment. It also makes it easier for us to replicate your color at future appointments too! Tracks your inspo picks and results. SalonScale helps us to keep track of your past product costs.

Your clients need to know that you’re doing this for them. This is not to them or at them.

Send Your Save the Dates

Let your clients know ahead of the change! Share it on social media, your website, send them an email or a text (if you have that implemented).

Be sure to share the change with your clients at their appointment and consultations before. Oh and make sure you have a sign by your point of sale.

This helps that when you actually have the change implemented, it’s not a surprise to your customer. Giving them advanced notice is not only beneficial to them, but it is to you too.

Oh and be sure to let them know when the change is live too!!

And make sure you share the new change in all of the same places! Have a front desk person? Make sure they reiterate it too!

Remind Your Customer of the Change 

Now if you read the entire paragraph above, this one is brownie points.

As soon as your client sits in the chair for the appointment. Ask them if they have heard about this upcoming change of you bringing in SalonScale.

This is a great thing to do because your clients might not have heard about the upcoming change.

This give you the opportunity to explain to them what SalonScale is, how their appointments are going to improve, and your business is going to be better.

Get them excited with you!! It’s important to show you’re excited to implement SalonScale.

Our Friend, Dawn Bradley also has some great tips on communicating change!

Growth is on the Other Side of Fear

You’ve probably heard the saying, that growth is on the other side of fear.

It’s true. It can be scary to put yourself out there and do something new. Especially when you know it will have an impact on others. If you want to live differently, you have to do things differently.

Most importantly, you’re making this change for you and your business. Because if your business isn’t there then you’re not able to continue to service your clients. You have to take care of yourself first in order to take care of others.

We want you to know that our team is always here to support you. So feel free to reach out to us for any guidance.