Becoming a solo stylist is a big step in a hairstylist's journey. It comes with all the responsibilities of managing a business by yourself. With all these new responsibilities we can help take some of them off your plate.

Before making the step for yourself here are some things to thinks about:


It is so important when becoming an independent artist to fully understand your finances.

Whether it’s setting your prices, adjusting with inflation or just day to day business when you go solo these are all things you need to think about. You may think that you have never been a money person and can’t do it but there are so many tools to help you, like SalonScale and low cost scheduling software's.

The way you price your services when you become a solo stylist, the key is to be profitable. If you don’t know your numbers you don’t know your business. Parts plus labor pricing is the way to go (but we’ll meet you where you’re at)!

SalonScale is here to support you with all things parts plus labor pricing, from blogs, to live chats and educator programs.


Being surrounded by like minded people is a huge part of the hair industry. 

When stylists go solo they sometimes feel like they are losing their community because they aren’t surrounded by coworkers in a salon setting any more. We are here to give you more community. There are so many different communities within the hair industry including Common Wealth Collective and CoCoLemon. SalonScale is one of them, with our educator program program for users we are here to support and educate you.

The SalonScale customer service team is also here to help you on your journey. From assisting you in getting set up for success with us, to helping with any concerns along the way we are always with you. Just because you are going solo doesn’t mean you’re alone. Built by the industry for the industry SalonScale is by your side.

If after thinking about all these things you still want to go solo, then do it! Lean into the discomfort and let SalonScale be the assistant in your back pocket.