This blog was written by Common Wealth Collective, featuring member, Lexi Lomax. We proudly partner with Common Wealth Collective and their mission to empower beauty & barber professionals through community, business education & support.

As a beauty or barber entrepreneur, you know that running a successful business takes hard work and dedication. But one thing that can make all the difference is having effective systems in place. Systems are processes or procedures that are designed to help your business run smoothly, efficiently, and consistently. In this newsletter, we’ll discuss the importance of systems in your business and how even the simplest ones can make a big difference.

We had the privilege of welcoming Lexi Lomax into our community recently. If you don’t already know Lexi, she is the queen of Systems! She joined us virtually to share some of her favorite system hacks, and the overall benefit she and her clients have seen from implementing specific systems into their business processes. 

First, let’s talk about why systems are important. One of the biggest benefits of systems is that they create consistency in your business. When you have clear processes in place for things like scheduling appointments, managing inventory, or handling customer complaints, you can ensure that these tasks are done the same way every time. This not only helps to maintain quality but can also save time and reduce errors.

Another benefit of systems is that they can help you to identify and solve problems. By having clear processes in place, you can more easily identify where things are going wrong and make adjustments as needed. For example, if you notice that customers are frequently waiting too long to be seen, you may need to adjust your scheduling system to better manage wait times.

It’s important to note that systems don’t have to be complicated or expensive. Even something as simple as using a sticky note to remind you to follow up with a client can be considered a system. The key is to have a clear process in place for how you use that sticky note. By having a consistent process, you can ensure that you don’t forget to follow up with that client and that you do so in a timely manner.

Of course, there are also more complex systems that can be implemented in your business, such as customer relationship management software or inventory tracking systems. These systems can help to automate many of the tasks that take up your time and energy, freeing you up to focus on other aspects of your business.

One system that can be particularly useful for beauty and barber entrepreneurs is SalonScale, which is designed to help track backbar usage and costs. By using SalonScale, you can more easily track which products are being used, how much they cost, and how much you should be charging your clients to cover those costs. This not only helps to improve your bottom line but can also provide valuable insights into which products are most popular with your clients.


Implementing effective systems in your beauty or barber business can make a huge difference in your success. Whether you’re using a simple sticky note or a complex software, having clear processes in place can help to create consistency, identify and solve problems, and save time and money. If you haven’t already, consider implementing some systems in your business today!